— berlin sonic places

Rummelsburg Soundwalk
Peter Cusack
, Eva Kietzmann und Petra Kübert, Valeria Merlini

Rummelsburg has totally transformed in the last decade. Today it is a growing residential community beside the Rummelsburg Bucht. Yesterday it was an industrial,  workhouse (1859-1949), ns-workhouse (1933-45) and prison (1951-90) area with its own special and, sometimes darker, history.

The Rummelsburg soundwalk is a walk around the area, to listen to the varied sounds of today, and also to reflect on those of yesterday that are no longer hearable but that can still be present in memory and imagination.

The Rummelsburg soundscape is many layered; architecture, people, gardens, plants, wildlife, streets, distant Berlin plus ones own sounds and memories all contribute to the whole.

Here you can download the map and the description for the soundwalk:

(Print format suggested A3)


Here you can listen to the Soundscape of of the area:

[audio:http://sonic-places.dock-berlin.de/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/rummelsburg mix peter-valeria.mp3|titles=Rummelsburg Mix]

Soundscape from Rummelsburg
Peter Cusack / Valeria Merlini
modul II | 14. July 2012